
The Private Pilot Course includes airplane ground operations, take-off and landing, basic flight maneuvers, navigation, and emergency procedures. Particular attention is paid to airport operations and procedures, air traffic control procedures, aviation weather, navigation, radio communication procedures, and Federal Aviation Regulations.


Accellerated full time: 4 weeks

Average part time: 3-4 months

*This is a sample course for estimating training costs at block discount rate and includes the FAA Part 61 minimum required 40.0 hours of flight time (average students complete in about 50 hours total flight time and an additional 10 hours instruction time.)

** Typical private student equipment. Kits are available from Jeppesen, Gleim, and others. FAA handbooks (Airplane Flying Handbook, Pilot Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge, etc) can be downloaded from the FAA at no charge and may be substituted for some of the more expensive reference manuals.e expensive reference manuals.